Aug 29, 2024

Quick win

 I win quickly in center game because opponent don't know what to do and it is not a new opening at all.

When fork don't work

 I missed out fork on my queen and rook 25...Ng3, but I realized that I can get away with fork with 26. Qf7+. However, I missed mate in one.


 My opponent abandoned the game when he start loosing.

Aug 28, 2024

King safety

 When my opponent attacked too much and forget about his own king safety.

I win

 I win against whom I have 0-2 losing streak.

I defeated 1795 player

 I just defeated a 1795 player on lichess  in 20 moves. This is why opening preparation can catch your opponent in surprise. I am out of theory on move 10th, but by playing logically, I am able to follow theory till move 12th, up to which there are some games played in the past. See link below:

Aug 27, 2024

White resigned

 I don't know why White resigned when he has four passed pawns!

I defeated 1700 player

 Today I defeated a 1700 player on lichess but I blundered mate which my opponent missed.

Quick win

 I win quickly in center game (gambit line). See timestamps in analysis board. I played fast.

Against English opening

 I don't have any repertoire against English opening. I just tried flank opening with a pawn gambit.


 I don't know why my opponent resigned?

Pair of Rooks

 Does a pair of Rooks dominate a pair of Bishops? My opponent thought that it is good to trade Queens once he is a pawn up!!!

My opponent blundered queen

Queen is precious.

Queen sacrifice

 I sac my queen during the endgame to checkmate the opponent.

Aug 26, 2024

When opponent Queen go for pawn hunting

 King safety is so crucial.

Quick win in Center game

 I have been playing center game quite a while now. I should have played e5 on move 7. But because I have still not developed my repertoire, I tried to go for an attack on f7 pawn.

I didn't give up

 Today I played chess game till end. You can see evaluation that initially it is in favor of my opponent but. Queen and a rook is off the board. But then I decided to push g pawn and trade some pawns. In the process I open up opponent king side as well.

Aug 13, 2024

Genocide against hindu

 I support bangladeshi hindu. I condem their killing. I demand Indian government to send army in bangladesh and capture entire bangladesh immediately