Sep 9, 2024

I trapped opponent queen

 Win in caro kann panov attack without any blunder. Although I unnecessarily sacrifice the rook.

Game lasted only 5 moves

 My opponent abandon the game on 5th move. Probably they are looking at computer analysis after the move?

Sep 5, 2024

When opening preparation don't work

 When you are out of preparation in the very first move of opening, and still you beat 1748 rated player with zero blunders and 95% accuracy!

Sep 4, 2024

Counter gambit is not always good

 My opponent played counter gambit 2...f5 in response to 1.e5 e5 2.d4 and I win game in 21 moves with 97% accuracy and zero blunder.

Oil india

Oil india is down 6%. Soon market may crash.

Sep 3, 2024

1700+ player blunder queen

 A 1732 player blunder queen and I missed to capture it. Later I realized that I have missed it once I have played the move.

Sep 1, 2024

Why my opponent loose?

 My opponent had pressure throughout the game. But computer analysis says he committed four blunders and me just one! Why my opponent lost??

Material matter?

 I missed multiple chances to win material. But does it really matter? Because I win finally.

A game without blunder

 I defeated a person who didn't give up.

10+0 game

 I win 10 minutes game without increment.